Formal challenge! Desen leaching repair vehicle pollutes mercury!

  • Nov 25.
  • Administrator.
  • 64 visits
Mercury and its compounds are widely involved in industrial activities, production and life, which inevitably leads to mercury pollution of the land. Mobile soil leaching equipment is designed in an integrated way, with a small floor area, which is suitable for various working conditions. Mobile modular design, not limited by region; Bar screening structure, without pre-screening of materials; The running noise of equipment is lower; Effectively reduce installation time, secondary transportation

Mercury widely exists in natural crustal rocks, and is the only metal element that is liquid at normal temperature and pressure. Mercury and its compounds are widely involved in industrial activities, production and life, which inevitably leads to mercury pollution of land.

 mobile soil leaching equipment

Therefore, the risk control of mercury contaminated plots has become an important guarantee for public health. Heavy metal mercury has the characteristics of toxicity, environmental mobility, persistence and bioaccumulation. Common leaching methods are difficult to completely remove. For example, the residual toxic methylmercury can still cause physiological damage to human brain, kidney, respiratory system and reproductive system.

The mobile soil leaching equipment developed by DESEN Environment, through the action mechanism of soil leaching, is that the eluent or chemical additives are combined with the pollutants in the soil, so that the eluent can fully desorb, chelate, dissolve or fix heavy metal pollutants, thus achieving the purpose of remediation of contaminated soil. Its advantage lies not only in the rapid degradation of pollutants in the soil, but also in the transformation of toxic and harmful pollutants in the soil into harmless substances, which not only has high treatment efficiency, but also reduces secondary pollution to the greatest extent. Integrated design, small floor space, suitable for various working conditions; Mobile modular design, not limited by region; Bar screening structure, without pre-screening of materials; The running noise of equipment is lower; Effectively reduce installation time, secondary transportation of raw materials, and reduce operating costs. Equipped with 5G intelligent system, it can remotely supervise the operation.

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